Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Bears and Trash Contol

Yup, Laurel Hill is home to bears.  You don't really want to see them prowling around the house, and the key to that is trash control. 

Don't leave anything outside on the deck after barbeque or picnics.  Also keep food out of your vehicles.  Place trash in the barrels in the garage and close the overhead doors at night.

I recommend pushing the BBQ so the backside is up tight against the porch rail behind it.  Otherwise, the bears and raccoons will pull out the waste tray under the BBQ and make a racket in the night.

The only place to get rid of trash and recycling is the  "staffed recycling center" operated by the Jackson County.  It is located on Hwy 107 South about three or four miles south of the Crossroads.  Head south from the Crossroads, pass Silver Slip Falls (on your left) and watch for the small sign on your right.

There is one bin for all recycling (glass, aluminum and plastic) and a trash compactor for everything else.  The people who staff the SRCs are a very interesting bunch if you care to strike up a conversation!

It's easy to miss.  If you hit Bull Pen Road, you went way too far.  There are other SRCs, but they are all farther away.  The hours of operation are Monday-Saturday, 7a-7p.

If you run out of time and cannot take the trash to the SRC, you can always give Jo Brooks a call and she will handle it.

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